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Founding Fossils Exhibit

We created a multisensory exhibit called Founding Fossils that displays content in both visual and tactile modes. The exhibit tells a complex story that involves art, history, science, and technology.

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Access Sparks Creativity

Recently, I had the pleasure of consulting with two artists who designed a multimedia installation that incorporated audio, video, and tactile elements.

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What They Say About Us

I have been thinking about how discussions of museum accessibility shift based on the lived-experience of a majority of participants. When a group of blind people discuss museums, they talk about the limits of visual

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Making History Accessible

I am pleased to announce the release of a digital publication titled Making History Accessible: Toolkit for Multisensory Interpretation. I am proud to have been a member of this collaboration. It details a range of

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Remembering Judy Heumann 1947-2023

The disability rights activist Judith (Judy) Heumann died in Washington, D.C. on the afternoon of March 4, 2023. She was a fearless advocate for inclusion of disabled people in society, and she was an effective

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2022 in review

In a December tradition, I write a post about the highlights of my work each year. This year I am focusing on multisensory exhibits that opened in 2022—because exhibit planning can take months or years,

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What’s That? Problems with Automated Image Detection

Technology companies such as Google and Microsoft have developed software algorithms that recognize images and automatically generate descriptions for them. Computer-generated descriptions are improving, but human-generated image descriptions are still the gold standard for creating

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